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Crypto247trade Review: Insights on an Unlicensed Broker

Crypto247trade Review: Insights on an Unlicensed Broker

Unveil the facts about Crypto247trade, an unregulated broker based in Florida. Discover why its website remains inaccessible.

Exposure 2024-06-05 17:52
Are You REALLY a Trader?

Are You REALLY a Trader?

In the fast-paced world of forex and cryptocurrency trading, the allure of quick profits and the thrill of the market can often blur the lines between serious traders and those chasing an adrenaline rush. But, are you REALLY a trader?

News 2024-06-05 16:54
Malaysian Badminton Star Loses Life Savings in Investment Scam

Malaysian Badminton Star Loses Life Savings in Investment Scam

Malaysian badminton star Lai Pei Jing recently lost her lifetime savings to a fraudulent investment scheme.

News 2024-06-05 15:38
Philippine Inflation Rises to 3.9% in May, Highest in 5 Months

Philippine Inflation Rises to 3.9% in May, Highest in 5 Months

Philippines' inflation hits 3.9% in May, up from 3.8% in April, due to higher costs in housing, utilities, gas, and transportation.

News 2024-06-05 15:32
Venezuelan: Mastermind of Financial Fraud of Fxbitcapital in Florida, is in Association with ByDzyne

Venezuelan: Mastermind of Financial Fraud of Fxbitcapital in Florida, is in Association with ByDzyne

Members of the multilevel marketing company Bydzyne closely collaborated with Fxbitcapital, a fraudulent scheme that has affected over 3000 people. The protagonists of this scam include several associates of Bydzyne, a company operating in the multilevel marketing sector.

Exposure 2024-06-05 15:16
Swiss Regulator Seeks Power to Name and Shame Rule-Breaking Banks

Swiss Regulator Seeks Power to Name and Shame Rule-Breaking Banks

Swiss regulator FINMA calls for power to publicly name banks breaching rules, aiming to enhance transparency and accountability in the financial sector.

News 2024-06-05 14:27


Is it possible that you will be cheated by your own reliable broker? They don't answer your calls, even if you keep trying. Yes, it's the true story of a user who turned into a victim.

Exposure 2024-06-05 14:24


The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warned the public against five fake firms. The FCA has raised concerns about the company's operations and has advised individuals to be cautious when dealing with them.

Exposure 2024-06-05 13:09
Visa and Mastercard Expand Payment Solutions in Latin America

Visa and Mastercard Expand Payment Solutions in Latin America

Visa Direct launches in Colombia, and Mastercard's Biometric Checkout Program debuts in Uruguay, transforming the payment landscape.

News 2024-06-05 12:17
BlackBull Markets Joins Starship Foundation as Major Partner

BlackBull Markets Joins Starship Foundation as Major Partner

BlackBull Markets partners with Starship Foundation, pledging sponsorship to support pediatric healthcare and vital services at New Zealand's national children's hospital.

News 2024-06-04 19:11
CNMV's warning against six unregistered entities

CNMV's warning against six unregistered entities

Spain's Watchdog, the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has issued warnings on the following entities:

Exposure 2024-06-04 18:35
WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Tattvam Markets: Is It Trustworthy?

WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Tattvam Markets: Is It Trustworthy?

In this article, we will conduct a comprehensive examination of Tattvam Markets, delving into its key features, fees, safety measures, deposit and withdrawal options, trading platform, and customer service. WikiFX endeavours to provide you with the essential information required to make an informed decision about utilizing this platform.

Exposure 2024-06-04 17:35
Indonesia Opens Bitcoin House in Bali: A Revolution in the Digital Economy

Indonesia Opens Bitcoin House in Bali: A Revolution in the Digital Economy

In a landmark move that underscores Indonesia's embrace of digital currencies, Bitcoin Indonesia has inaugurated the Bitcoin House in Bali. By opening this dedicated space, Bitcoin Indonesia aims to educate the public, influence government policy, and demonstrate the economic benefits of adopting Bitcoin.

News 2024-06-04 17:00
Dukascopy Bank Launches MetaTrader 5 Platform

Dukascopy Bank Launches MetaTrader 5 Platform

Dukascopy Bank integrates MetaTrader 5, boosting trading tools and client options. The firm sees profit growth and has launched a new crypto lending program.

News 2024-06-04 16:48
WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Is OtetMarkets Reliable?

WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Is OtetMarkets Reliable?

In this article, we'll look in-depth at OtetMarkets, examining its key features.

Exposure 2024-06-04 16:41
Binance Breach? Trader Loses $1M to Hacking Scam

Binance Breach? Trader Loses $1M to Hacking Scam

A Chinese trader fell prey to a sophisticated hacking scam on Binance, losing $1 million after hackers exploited a deceptive Chrome plugin, Aggr, to bypass security measures, execute leveraged trades, and manipulate low liquidity trading pairs, raising questions about Binance's security protocols and responsibility for compensating such losses.

News 2024-06-04 16:29
BSP Considers Rate Cut, Peso Value Under Watch

BSP Considers Rate Cut, Peso Value Under Watch

Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor hints at a possible rate cut before the US Federal Reserve, affecting the peso's strength.

News 2024-06-04 15:42
Hong Kong Police Warns of Rising Digital Asset-Linked Crime

Hong Kong Police Warns of Rising Digital Asset-Linked Crime

A surge in digital asset crime prompts the Hong Kong Police Advisory Group to call for a regulatory system and public awareness initiatives.

News 2024-06-04 14:29
Italian CONSOB Exposed 5 Unauthorized Financial Websites

Italian CONSOB Exposed 5 Unauthorized Financial Websites

Italy’s regulator CONSOB warned about the fraudulent websites impersonating legitimate investment firms. These websites aim to deceive unsuspecting investors into providing personal information or making financial transactions.

Exposure 2024-06-04 14:17
iFOREX Launched Innovative AI Trading Assistant

iFOREX Launched Innovative AI Trading Assistant

A well-known renowned broker, iFOREX introduced a new artificial intelligence tool to improve users' trading experiences. This innovative artificial intelligence assistant is now available on the iFOREX website, providing traders with rapid responses to their questions about trading with this respected broker.

News 2024-06-03 18:46
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