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10 pieces of exposure in total


Otto Forex is confirmed to be running a scam

Several withdrawal requests declined which confirms that they are running a scam. I was asked to pay tax which after payment, they claimed not to receive and want another payment. it’s one problem after another and this is frustrating. several reviews online have revealed their scam operations which was also confirmed by a regulated cyber forensic body (Fintrack/org). looking at resolving the withdrawal issues with FT is a better option for me because Otto forex support team are unresponsive to my requests for over a weeek now .

Australia Australia 2022-05-28 20:42
Australia Australia 2022-05-28 20:42

They defrauding me and won’t remit my funds.

My case against Otto hasn’t resolved. I press confirm not knowing that pressing it make resolved. I thought when you press confirm is confirming that all your input are true and real. I was surprised when I saw it was resolved. I tried doing it again but it got denied because they said it’s duplicate.I hope you will accept this for mediation. I need to continue to complain their fraud activity. This broker is a fraud. It doesn’t say that I will pay a late fee after paying my clarification fee and after paying them still asked for 5% of almost 1.4M. Anyway, after paying my late fee on time, they withdrew my funds minutes after getting my payment, Otto forex still never remitted my money and insisted that they haven’t received the payment. If they haven’t received it, how come they withdrew my money from the platform account? Then telling me again and again to pay the fees. What’s that? Obviously it’s a fraud. They want more money to go into them without doing nothing and holding my account for ransom. I paid $70k clearly. They got it but never honest, even telling me that my screenshots were fake. I hope this will wake them up and remit my money. If they are honest, they should even return my $70k fee with 1.4M. I’ve given them time to correct it and kept reaching out to them but it seems they’re not serious to the point they are not answering my inquiries so I’m exposing and complaining about them now. Screenshots says it all.

United States United States 2022-05-21 09:38
United States United States 2022-05-21 09:38

Fraud! They won’t remit my money

This broker is defrauding me. It doesn’t say that I will pay a late fee after paying my clarification fee and after paying them still asked for 5% of almost 1.4M. Anyway, after paying my late fee on time, they withdrew my funds minutes after getting my payment, Otto forex still never remitted my money and insisted that they haven’t received the payment. If they haven’t received it, how come they withdrew my money from the platform account? Then telling me again and again to pay the fees. What’s that? Obviously it’s a fraud. They want more money to go into them without doing nothing and holding my account for ransom. I paid $70k clearly. They got it but never honest, even telling me that my screenshots were fake. I hope this will wake them up and remit my money. If they are honest, they should even return my $70k fee with 1.4M. I’ve given them time to correct it and kept reaching out to them but it seems they’re not serious to the point they are not answering my inquiries so I’m exposing and complaining about them now. Screenshots says it all.

United States United States 2022-05-21 05:18
United States United States 2022-05-21 05:18
Unable to Withdraw

SCAM!!asking more $ to proceed with the withdrawal

I never saw something like that. I have registered on this broker and uploaded all the documents such as ID and PoA. I deposit money via BTC and when I requested the withdrawal they sent and email confirming the withdrawal but they never sent the money to my BTC wallet. I have tried contacting the costumer support which is really bad, and they told me the withdrawal will only one proceed when I deposit more 873$. BIG LOL. SCAM BROKER!!!! and they are not regulated!!!

United States United States 2022-04-12 03:34
United States United States 2022-04-12 03:34

Metatrader 5

This broker does not let me withdraw my money or operate. It is already reported in the securities commission of the Spanish state for fraudulent bad practices that they have withheld 3700 usdt and do not let me withdraw, and I cannot communicate with them. I request to mediate so that they return my money

Spain Spain 2022-04-05 02:05
Spain Spain 2022-04-05 02:05
Unable to Withdraw

They won't let you withdraw the funds

I have proof of the transfers and I have been operating for around a month. They do not allow me to withdraw the funds and ask for payment of 15% of taxes. Everything is totally illegal.

United States United States 2022-03-31 07:17
United States United States 2022-03-31 07:17
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw the funds

They say that I have to send them the payment of the taxes to let me withdraw the money. The photos are the chats

United States United States 2022-03-16 05:20
United States United States 2022-03-16 05:20
Unable to Withdraw

Otto Forex is a fraud company that cannot withdraw

Otto Forex is a faud company that use social media to induce customer to open account and deposit with cryptos. They will make fake transactions and you cannot withdraw. It does not regulate by FCA

Denmark Denmark 2022-03-14 19:19
Denmark Denmark 2022-03-14 19:19


I want to withdraw my money. I made a withdrawal without problem and in the second withdrawal, they tell me that I have to verify but apart from that, I have to deposit 3000 usdt to verify and if not, they do not give me my money so now it is not operating

Spain Spain 2022-03-08 21:10
Spain Spain 2022-03-08 21:10
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw

I am writing to you because this broker operating with them and does not let me make a withdrawal because they say that I have to verify with money. I have 3700 usdt and they do not let me withdraw anything and I have to deposit 3000 usdt to be able to withdraw. Today, they do not let me operate either

Spain Spain 2022-03-08 04:45
Spain Spain 2022-03-08 04:45
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