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Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I wish I had done more research about S&J future ltd or read the news. So much regrets just trying to secure the future. Please be warned. Eventually all I had to do for my lost funds was to make a formal report to Assetsclaimback Advisory. I found them useful after a quick web search. i would have lost 49,000usd permanently stay vigilant this company is not regulated and no one can hold them responsible of their fraudulent act.

Australia Australia 2022-04-04 03:11
Australia Australia 2022-04-04 03:11
Unable to Withdraw

i was trying to withdraw for weeks

How these scammers get away with quoting celebrities and fake recommendations is beyond me. Late to know the only good reviews are obviously fake, I lost money to S&J Future Limited but I was bent on getting it back. Happy to have found someone on this page who mentioned, i did exactly what I was required, it worked and I got my money back in a matter of weeks. Do not get involved with S&J Future Limited because its all a scam

United States United States 2022-04-01 16:45
United States United States 2022-04-01 16:45

Romance scam fraud

I was scammed for $150,000 CAD between September and November 2021 through a fake trading company S&J Future Limited on the MT5 platform. Liar Sun Yizhou (pictured, said he has a daughter after divorce), lured me to get high returns, he induced me to transfer my money from my account bank to Shakepav and Kraken to buy bitcoin and ether and put it in the imtoken wallet , and then transferred to its fake platform S&J Company, which cheated my savings. After I was victimized, I contacted some other victims through Reddit. Through communication with each other, I found that the scammers used the same story to deceive us, and also used the same photo of the girl (3 victims known so far received The photos of the liar’s daughter are the same.) The liar claims to be from Lanzhou, Gansu, but the family lives in Shanghai. His divorced daughter follows him and is taken care of by his mother and aunt and uncle. His father is Mr. Sun, the head of TPG China. , whose uncle is the head of the World Gold Council in China, Mr. Wang. The liar said he was the vice president of TPG China, because his work relationship often traveled between North America and China. Sent by his father to TPG's San Francisco headquarters to study, the liar told our victim that the surname was Sun, and that because of his uncle, he had inside information to help him speculate in spot gold on the MT5 platform, so he also instigated us to participate. The crooks set up 2 fake companies on the MT5 platform: and, from the limited information we victims know: we check on Blackchain by I learned that this scam group has defrauded more than 600 million US dollars in 2 years, and it is still going! Liars have caused us victims to suffer both mental and financial harm. How many people have lost their homes and ruined their lives? We sincerely please help us catch the liars as soon as possible, deal with them in accordance with the law, provide justice for us and avoid more victims. People, retrurn peace to the world!

Canada Canada 2022-03-31 04:59
Canada Canada 2022-03-31 04:59

Unable withdraw-Fraud Platform-S&J Future Limited

I was scammed by S&J Future Limited for Cad $300,000 from Sept 28 to Oct 29, 2021 thru the fake trading MT5 platform. The scammer Sun Yun 孙云 (see pic) lured me into high-profit return and I transferred my money from Shakepay to Iamtoken to change to ETH and US then transferred to the fake broker platform. The scammer claims he’s the CEO of TPG in San Francisco and he gets insider information from uncle in Hong Kong who’s the World Gold Council. Until October 28, all trades appeared in good profit. I tried to withdrew $250,000 that night and unsuccessful. That night all my investment got lost. I felt heartbroken and shocked as all my hard earnings were gone😞

Canada Canada 2022-03-30 14:44
Canada Canada 2022-03-30 14:44


This is a typical Shazhupan. An Asian lady approached and befriended me. After chatting a few weeks, she introduced me to invest with two brokers: S&J Future Limited and Eastpac Capital on MT5. She claims that she gets insider information from an uncle in Hong Kong to guarantee profits. Following her instructions, I deposited a total of principle of $1,240,500 USD to both accounts via cryptocurrencies. Until November 17, 2021, all the trades appeared to be successful and in profits. On November 18, 2021, she advised me to buy 10 positions of XAUUSD.s at a time. 3 minutes into the trade, the APP kicked me out and closed all my positions. After that lose, the Asian lady pitched in some money and convince me to another platform to earn my loss back. I had all winning trades until December 3, 2021. The APP kicked me out again, and I lost everything. I lost 30 years of hardearned saving which I could have used to fund my children's education, give my wife a better life and take care of my siblings. My father just passed away before the scam, the responsibility to take care of my siblings fell upon me. This was very devastating to me and my family. I attempted suicide and ended up in the psychiatric ward in the hospital.

Canada Canada 2022-03-29 10:56
Canada Canada 2022-03-29 10:56
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