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Moneta Markets allowed the PAM

Moneta Markets allowed the PAMM account manager (Capital Investing Strategies Ltd / NexoBot) to DISABLE the display of open trades (Floating Balance/Floating) on its interface, misleading everyone, as clients were unaware of these VERY negative open trades. Capital Investing Strategies Ltd (manager of the PAMM account) concealed this huge drawdown from the PAMM account's clients, so that they were unaware of the high financial commitment that existed and, since January 2024, had been making withdrawals difficult for clients, making them practically impossible. When we tried to make withdrawals from Moneta's PAMM account and the manager wouldn't authorize it, we asked them to intervene and take action on behalf of the clients, but they said they couldn't do anything. We believe that Moneta Markets is co-responsible for this disaster, as it allowed such relevant information to be hidden in its own system (PAMM account interface, with a virtual domain bearing its name). There was talk of a protection mechanism by NEXOBOT of up to $250,000.00 per account, this amount could be used by MONETA to compensate the clients who were harmed.

Brazil Brazil 2024-05-04 06:06
Brazil Brazil 2024-05-04 06:06

Moneta Markets allowed the PAM

Moneta Markets allowed the PAMM account manager (NexoBot) to DISABLE the display of open trades (Floating Balance/Floating) on its interface, misleading everyone because clients were unaware of these VERY negative open trades. NexoBot (the manager of the PAMM account) hid this huge drawdown from the PAMM account's clients, so that they were unaware of the high financial commitment that existed and, since January 2024, had been making withdrawals difficult for clients, making them practically impossible. When we tried to make withdrawals from Moneta's PAMM account and the manager wouldn't authorize it, we asked them to intervene and take action on behalf of the clients, but they said they couldn't do anything. We believe that Moneta Markets is co-responsible for this disaster, as it allowed such relevant information to be hidden in its own system (PAMM account interface, with a virtual domain bearing its name).

Brazil Brazil 2024-05-04 04:38
Brazil Brazil 2024-05-04 04:38

Moneta Markets allowed the PAM

Moneta Markets allowed the PAMM account manager (NexoBot) to DISABLE the display of open trades (Floating Balance/Floating) on its interface, misleading everyone because clients were unaware of these VERY negative open trades. NexoBot (the manager of the PAMM account) hid this huge drawdown from the PAMM account's clients, so that they were unaware of the high financial commitment that existed and, since January 2024, had been making withdrawals difficult for clients, making them practically impossible. When we tried to make withdrawals from Moneta's PAMM account and the manager wouldn't authorize it, we asked them to intervene and take action on behalf of the clients, but they said they couldn't do anything. We believe that Moneta Markets is co-responsible for this disaster, as it allowed such relevant information to be hidden in its own system (PAMM account interface, with a virtual domain bearing its name). There was talk of a protection mechanism by NEXOBOT of up to $250,000.00 per account, this amount could be used by MONETA to compensate the clients who were harmed.

Brazil Brazil 2024-05-04 04:07
Brazil Brazil 2024-05-04 04:07
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