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22 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Bestleader does not want to withdraw and want to disassociate with me

The backend website of the company's products will not be able to log in or withdraw money starting today. Investors should no longer trust this platform

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-13 13:45
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-13 13:45
Unable to Withdraw

BESTLEADER does not withdraw

i invest BESTLEADER the company's fund products, apply for bonus return in october 2022, after filling out the application form, until november 29 today, have not received BESTLEADER is the repatriated amount illegal not to be paid to the investor? please check the relevant units! if necessary, relevant archives and materials can be provided to the investigation unit as evidence.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-29 13:55
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-29 13:55
Unable to Withdraw

BEST LEADER deso not pay for breach of contract

Since the beginning of October this year, my business told me that hong kong BEST LEADER banks in Australia have recently been listed as suspected money laundering accounts by banks due to frequent large-scale transactions of gold flows, strengthened inspections, and restricted fund remittances, and notified global joint inspections, hong kong BEST LEADER it is currently cooperating with the investigation, and this incident will cause the funds to be deferred to the account to continue! currently hong kong BEST LEADER in addition to cooperating with relevant inspections, international financial lawyers have also been commissioned to find a way to solve the problem quickly! it's already the end of November, and I don't know if what the business says is true or not

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-29 10:45
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-29 10:45

Deceiving people, the director of BCR and Taiwan Baifu Company used high interest rates to induce investment of millions of dollars

From May 2022, I and the investors around me have gradually discovered that BCR and Baifu dodge each other, not only unable to withdraw the funds as agreed on schedule, but also the top management and finance began to avoid meeting. Inquiries to Hong Kong Belle Precious Metals Co., Ltd. did not respond positively. At present, hundreds of people are known to be cheated in Taiwan, and there are victims in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and China. Professionals are needed to help recover funds, or freeze their Hong Kong company assets.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-28 23:16
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-28 23:16

The Australia company of Best Leader scams

The Australia company of Best Leader scams Taiwan investors to buy wealth management products. Although there have been stable dividend distributions for several years, since August this year, the withdrawals have not been smooth and the connection has been disconnected.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-18 00:01
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-18 00:01
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw.

Submitted a withdrawal application, the status has been stagnant and has been checked, and there is no following, and I do not know whether the object is in any condition, there is no announcement or any notification at all

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-26 12:02
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-26 12:02
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Cannot find their staff

Since August, I have applied for a withdrawal, and there is no updates so far. Whether it was maliciously closed down, I can't know the relevant local training information from Taiwan.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-17 14:22
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-17 14:22

Not allow withdraw, and refuse to contact

I made profit each month, so I didn't make deposit for 2 months. Now, I applied to withdraw my principal and the membership data on the computer showed that I had withdrawn already, but I didn't received my fund. The person in charge of the platform in Taiwan, named Chen Jiahe, went to Hong Kong and could not find him. And the chief financial officer Hong Shufang also refused to reply.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-06 03:09
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-06 03:09
Unable to Withdraw

BESTLEADER keeps asking for deposits without transferring withdrawals

At first, they said my application wasn't approved and then their system was in maintanance. So I can't withdraw funds untill tomorrow after noon. How can I get my withdrawals arrived asap. Please help me

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-02-06 16:48
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-02-06 16:48

Unable to withdraw. You have to add money all along. Sometimes the account is wrong, sometimes your credit score is insufficient. Scam.

BESTLEADER scams. Can't withdraw at all. A series of tricks. Ask you to deposit first, but when you withdraw, they tell you that you card number is wrong and I can't modify it by myself. If you wanna modify your account, you should ask the customer service to deposit 10% of your account balance. After depositing, your account will be frozen if you withdraw again for insufficient credit score. Deposit ¥10,000 for one credit score, you can't withdraw until your credit score is 100!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-17 12:28
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-17 12:28

Bestleader fake platfrom

I was cheated by a fake platform name bestleader And platfrom name Dtrex It is a fake platform from Chinese people. Trade will always win. For us to invest more But if you want to withdraw money Them will tell you to transfer 10% of the account balance. For the withdrawal fee

Thailand Thailand 2020-09-28 07:00
Thailand Thailand 2020-09-28 07:00

No funds come in

I applied for withdrawal and I paid the tax of the withdrawal amount. The counselor told me to wait two days, but I haven't come in yet As a result, the consultation page does not suddenly enter

South Korea South Korea 2020-09-09 09:27
South Korea South Korea 2020-09-09 09:27

The withdrawal of profit is unavailable. I couldn’t close the position, only to see it becoming liquidated.

I am an old clients of BESTLEADER. I have deposited $11445. I made constant losses. I haven’t make the withdrawal yet. Having profited $1600 or so, I applied for the withdrawal(the account status was still negative $6800). But BESTLEADER refused on ground wrong quotation. The service didn’t cope with it. I only received an email which asked me to cancel the profit. Now it has refused me for 3 times. Is it a fraud? As long as clients made profits, it would blacked them to sign the lord clause.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-08-04 16:20
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-08-04 16:20

Increasing rate of inventory fee

The rate of inventory fee increased from -1.25% per 360 day, i.e., the inventory fee for per 0.1 lot needed $0.7, to $20 per 0.1 lot.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-04-27 08:23
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-04-27 08:23

It is a rip-off.

BESTLEADER doesn’t allow clients to go short, closing their long position. That is, clients could only close or lock all positions, which is a rip-off.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-04-23 19:48
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-04-23 19:48

Hong Kong BESTLEADER Precious Metal is a gang of fraud

Hong Kong BESTLEADER Precious Metal Co., Ltd. has a virtual trading system which has not been subject to any supervision.Through the third party,the fund does not flow to the so-called London gold trading market, but to the company’s pocket through lays of transactions. Most of the client's funds are subject to such a false trading system with ultra-high leverage, high handling fees and controlled by the back-end trading software, which will roll up the customers’ all fund. Most of the customers will go bankrupt and even be plunged into debts. Without any risk warnings, I was deceived by my agent on February 23, 2018 to open an account in Hong Kong BESTLEADER Precious Metal Co., Ltd.and trade the above gold , from February 2018 to the end of January 2019. During the time, Hong Kong BESTLEADER Precious Metal Co., Ltd. and its agents manipulated my account through backstage,giving reverse order recommendations and operating frequently,etc.,and made me lose 758953.325 RMB. I have already reported to the mainland of China and Hong Kong police. The behavior of BESTLEADER Precious Metal has been identified as fraud by the police in the two places. It is under investigation. Please avoid being deceived.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-06-12 18:25
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-06-12 18:25

BESTLEADERgives reverse order recommendations, resulting in serious losses

BESTLEADER precious metal gives reverse order recommendations, causing me to suffer serious losses. It is extremely irresponsible. BESTLEADER also clarified the relationship with the adviser who gave order advice, and told me that the adviser was unrelated to the company. Fortunately, I have evidence, see evidence, is the man unrelated to the company? The adviser always told about risks, but in fact he gave me reverse order advice. My losses can indicate that the adviser is seriously irresponsible. Behaves better than the mouth. On November 14th when the British existed from Europe, the gold was obviously bullish, and the adviser did not give me any feedback, and seeing me lose money. In addition, BESTLEADER has illegally provided private deposit accounts for a long time, which is obviously illegal. I asked BESTLEADER to compensate me for the loss.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-01-08 23:55
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-01-08 23:55

BEST LEADER’s forex instructors deliberately gave me wrong direction, causing me to lose

Back then I was leaning gold analysis on the Internet, an instructor (Nickname: AAA Zou Haohan, ID: ZHH8625) added me. At first, he gave me some advices for how to get out of the trap. Then he urged me to invest in BEST LEADER where his team can instruct me. He told me how to deposit and introduced me the deposit customer service. The service told me I can only be invited to the instructing group if I deposit at least $20000. I did as it told. The instructor (QQ nickname: Zhiluren$Guopeng, ID: 1134361257) gave us forex advices in the QQ group. I made a small profit during that time. Then I withdrew some as I needed money. Because my balance was less than $20000, they kicked me out of the group. On November 2, after I got kicked out of the group, I can only contact the instructor personally. Later, most of his advices made me lose. On November 14, he didn’t even tell me the Brexit news, letting me to lose. On November 23, I applied for withdrawal. My loss was $25482 altogether at last.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-31 17:24
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-31 17:24

BESTLEADER is a scam. Stay away!

BESTLEADER’s agent invited me into their group and deliberately gave me wrong directions. I lost 36000 RMB in a short time. I contacted the platform but they said it was none of their business and banned my account. Stay away from them!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-03 18:03
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-03 18:03


BESTLEADER fraud platform,in which the agent made me suffer losses by inducing me to trade gold.The platform kept shirking the compensation.Give back my hard-earned money!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-11-26 18:07
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-11-26 18:07
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