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United States|1-2 years|
Self-developed|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Previous Detection : 2024-06-08
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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TRADING HUB · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Trading Hub
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded Year 2023
Regulation No regulation
Products & Services Analytics for brokers
Trading Platforms Meta Trader 5, Web Trader

Overview of Trading Hub

Trading Hub, established in 2023 and based in the United States, is an unegulated company offering analytics services tailored for brokers.

Their suite of products and services includes analytics designed to enhance trading strategies and decision-making processes. With a focus on accessibility, Trading Hub supports trading across multiple platforms including Meta Trader 5 and Web Trader.

Overview of Trading Hub

Is Trading Hub Legit?

While Trading Hub may claim to be regulated, after verification, it has been confirmed they currently lack any valid regulatory licenses. This is a major red flag, as legitimate financial institutions operate under the oversight of recognized regulatory bodies.

Without this oversight, there's a significant risk of scams, unfair practices, and difficulty recovering funds. Due to the absence of regulatory safeguards, Trading Hub's legitimacy is highly questionable. It's highly recommended to steer clear of them and choose a broker demonstrably regulated by a reputable financial authority.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
Analytics Services Limited Range of Products
Multiple Trading Platforms Regulatory Risks
Customer Support Limitations

Pros of Trading Hub:

  1. Analytics Services: Trading Hub offers comprehensive analytics services tailored for brokers, empowering users with insights to enhance trading strategies and decision-making processes.

  2. Multiple Trading Platforms: The platform supports trading across various platforms, including Meta Trader 5 and Web Trader, providing flexibility and convenience for traders.

Cons of Trading Hub:

  1. Limited Range of Products: Trading Hub primarily focuses on analytics services for brokers, which will limit options for users seeking a broader range of financial products and services.

  2. Regulatory Risks: TradingHub currently has no valid regulations, so trading with them is of high risks.

  3. Customer Support Limitations: No phone or email or any other contact info can be found in the broker's website.

Products & Services

TradingHub offers end-to-end analytics services tailored specifically for brokers, providing them with comprehensive insights and tools to optimize their trading activities.

One of its key features is seamless integration with MetaTrader 5, a popular trading platform, enabling brokers to leverage advanced analytics directly within their trading environment.

Additionally, TradingHub provides 15 traffic reports, offering valuable data and analytics on user interactions and website traffic patterns. Moreover, it offers sales funnels that can be set up in just two clicks, streamlining the process of analyzing and optimizing sales performance.

Products & Services

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with TradingHub is a straightforward process that can be completed in just three simple steps:

  1. Visit the TradingHub Website: Begin by visiting the official TradingHub website at Once there, navigate to the “Sign Up” or “Create Account” section, typically located prominently on the homepage.

  2. Fill Out the Registration Form: Upon clicking the “Sign Up” or “Create Account” button, you'll be directed to a registration form. Provide the required information, including your personal details such as name, email address, and phone number. Additionally, you will need to create a username and password to secure your account.

  3. Verify Your Account and Start Trading: After completing the registration form, you will need to verify your email address or phone number to activate your account. Once verified, you can log in to your TradingHub account and begin exploring the platform's features and functionalities.

How to Open an Account?

Trading Platform

The trading platform offered by Trading Hub is a robust and versatile solution designed to meet the needs of traders across various levels of Trading Hub's platform seamlessly integrates with MetaTrader 5, one of the most widely used trading platforms in the financial industry. This integration allows traders to access advanced trading tools, analytical resources, and a wide range of financial instruments directly within the Trading Hub ecosystem.

  1. User-Friendly Interface: The platform boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy for traders to navigate and execute trades efficiently. Whether you're a seasoned trader or a beginner, you'll find the platform intuitive and straightforward to use.

  2. Advanced Analytics: Trading Hub's trading platform provides access to advanced analytics tools, enabling traders to analyze market trends, monitor performance, and make informed trading decisions. From technical indicators to real-time market data, traders have access to a wealth of information to guide their trading strategies.

  3. Customizable Trading Environment: Traders can customize their trading environment according to their preferences and trading style. Whether it's adjusting chart layouts, setting up watchlists, or configuring trading alerts, the platform offers flexibility to tailor the experience to individual needs.

  4. Multi-Asset Support: Trading Hub's platform supports trading across a diverse range of financial assets, including stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. This broad asset coverage allows traders to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on various market opportunities.


Trading Hub stands out as a comprehensive platform for brokers, offering end-to-end analytics, seamless integration with MetaTrader 5, and reliable customer support services. However, it currently has no valid regulations and we don't advise any traders trade with such brokers. Be cautious, anyway.


Question: What trading platforms does Trading Hub support?

Answer: Trading Hub supports integration with MetaTrader 5.

Question: How can I contact Trading Hub?

Answer: No any contact ways are available.

Question: Is Trading Hub regulated?

Answer: No.

Question: What services does Trading Hub offer?

Answer: Trading Hub offers end-to-end analytics, integration with MetaTrader 5, traffic reports, and streamlined sales funnel setup.

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more than one year
TradingHub really impresses me with their MetaTrader 5 platform. The platform is widely accessible, which has made my trading experience smooth across multiple devices. Their comprehensive analytics and efficient integration with MetaTrader 5 sets them apart. Traffic reports and sales funnels are easy to understand, helping me make informed trading choices. 👍👍👍
2024-04-26 16:06
Fyed Austin
more than one year
been using TRADING HUB for a few months now and I've been really disappointed with their trading platform, very outdated and doesn't have many features. I would really like them to offer MT5 or MT4, as these are much more popular and user-friendly platforms.
2024-03-11 10:02
more than one year
I've used Trading Hub twice now, and I gotta say, no issues with deposits or withdrawals. Smooth sailing all the way.
2024-02-07 16:40
more than one year
Like on the order execution front, I've noticed some serious lag. We're talking a few minutes during peak trading times. This isn't cool, because it ends up causing slippage, which means my orders aren't being filled at the price I want. It's super annoying, especially when you're trying to make a quick move. Now, about the trading costs, they were through the roof. The commissions were higher than what I've seen on other platforms. Combined with the wider spreads, it really started eating into my profits. It's like you're running uphill, you know?
2024-01-26 14:52
more than one year
So here's my scoop on TRADING HUB. I like their platform - no rocket science there, super easy to use. The resources they've got for trading newbies? Pretty nifty. But the customer service? Um, let's just say it's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. Sometimes they're right on the dot, other times, tumbleweeds. And, don't get me on how few trading instrument choices there are and the fees that occasionally climb atop the beanstalk. So, if you've been trading for a while and need more options, this might not be your cup of tea.
2023-12-01 10:41
more than one year
Been wheeling and dealing with TRADING HUB for some months now, and I've got to admit - I'm kinda digging it. The super easy-to-navigate platform had me off to the races in no time. For all the greenhorns out there, their customer service folks are the real MVP, answering all bents out of shape questions in a heartbeat. It ain't all rainbows and unicorns, though. I kinda wish they added more trading instruments to jazz up things a bit - but hey, it's a sturdy horse for the trading journey!
2023-11-30 11:34
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