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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


China|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-06-08
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 11 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

IPCforex big Scam

I invested into Forex for the first time last month using MT5, made a little bit of money, and when I went to withdraw my money, because it was just over 10,000USD, it triggered some "advanced certification" feature. (might have to type in said that I had to recharge 4000usd to complete the "advanced certification" in order to be able to withdraw my money, so I did. After fee's were taken out, the amount that went through was 3999.20 and they failed me.

2021-09-09 20:20
Unable to Withdraw

Scammed by a company called

I invested into Forex for the first time last month using MT5, made a little bit of money, and when I went to withdraw my money, because it was just over 10,000USD, it triggered some "advanced certification" feature. (might have to type in said that I had to recharge 4000usd to complete the "advanced certification" in order to be able to withdraw my money, so I did. After fee's were taken out, the amount that went through was 3999.20 and they failed me for 80 cents and said that I needed to send them another 4000. I said no, they still have my money, and now I'm here. Please help! The money they are refusing to let me withdraw is all I have after losing my job due to covid situation last April. I am here because I don't even know if I can trust the various fund recovery companies that are out there. I have many more pics if needed. Thank you all in advance!

2021-09-23 20:18

IPCforex Scam

I invested into Forex for the first time last month using MT5, made a little bit of money, and when I went to withdraw my money, because it was just over 10,000USD, it triggered some "advanced certification" feature. (might have to type in said that I had to recharge 4000usd to complete the "advanced certification" in order to be able to withdraw my money, so I did. After fee's were taken out, the amount that went through was 3999.20 and they failed me.

2021-09-08 20:06

Scammed by a company called (, International Pacific Capital Limited)

I invested into Forex for the first time last month using MT5, made a little bit of money, and when I went to withdraw my money, because it was just over 10,000USD, it triggered some "advanced certification" feature. (might have to type in said that I had to recharge 4000usd to complete the "advanced certification" in order to be able to withdraw my money, so I did. After fee's were taken out, the amount that went through was 3999.20 and they failed me for 80 cents and said that I needed to send them another 4000. I said no, they still have my money, and now I'm here. Please help! The money they are refusing to let me withdraw is all I have after losing my job due to covid situation last April. I am here because I don't even know if I can trust the various fund recovery companies that are out there. I have many more pics if needed. Thank you all in advance!

2021-09-17 21:14

    ipcforex · Company Summary

    Note: Since ipcforexs official site ( is unavailable while writing this introduction, only a cursory understanding can be obtained from the Internet.

    General Information & Regulation

    ipcforex, a trading name of INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC CAPITAL LIMITED, is allegedly an unregulated forex broker registered in China. Unluckily, other more detailed information about this broker is not available on the Internet.

    Market Instruments

    ipcforex advertises that it is a forex broker that mainly offers forex trading.

    Trading Platform Available

    The trading software we found did not work at all. On ipcforexs website, traders can get MetaTrader4 from the MetaQuotes website, but it's useless in this case since we do not know what the broker's servers are like. In any case, we recommend using MT4 or MT5 for your trading platform. Forex traders praise MetaTrader's stability and trustworthiness as the most popular forex trading platform. Expert Advisors, Algo trading, Complex indicators, and Strategy testers are some of the sophisticated trading tools available on this platform. There are currently 10,000+ trading apps available on the Metatrader marketplace that traders can use to improve their performance. By using the right mobile terminals, including iOS and Android devices, you can trade from anywhere and at any time through MT4 and MT5.

    Customer Support

    ipcforex‘s customer support can be reached by email: However, this broker doesn’t disclose other more direct contact information like telephone numbers or the company address that most brokers offer.

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    Nguyễn Linh
    more than one year
    I had a terrible experience with ipcforex. The platform was difficult to navigate and the customer service was unhelpful. Additionally, I encountered a number of technical issues that resulted in lost profits. I ended up switching to a different company and would not recommend this one to others.
    2023-03-23 09:58
    more than one year
    Seems that many traders are falling foul of Ipcforex’s fraudulent tactics. They are a complete scam! DO NOT TRUST THIS BROKER, RUN AWAY BEST YOU CAN!
    2022-12-06 18:07
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