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China|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Previous Detection : 2024-06-07
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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TERA TRADE · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country China
Founded Year 2022
Company Name TERA TRADE
Regulation Unregulated
Tradable Assets Currency pairs, metals, commodities, shares, indices
Customer Support
Website Status Down, labeled as “scam” by some users


TERA TRADE, founded in 2022 and based in China, operates as an unregulated brokerage firm. Offering a variety of tradable assets including currency pairs, metals, commodities, shares, and indices, the platform's customer support has faced criticism for its lack of responsiveness and effectiveness, with contact available primarily through email at However, recent reports indicate the website is currently inaccessible, with some users labeling it as a “scam,” thereby tarnishing its reputation. Prospective users should exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with TERA TRADE's services.



TERA TRADE operates without regulatory oversight as a broker, raising concerns about transparency and investor protection. Clients may face increased risks due to the absence of regulatory safeguards typically provided by licensed brokers. Engaging with unregulated entities like TERA TRADE requires careful consideration and thorough due diligence to mitigate potential financial vulnerabilities.


Pros and Cons

While TERA TRADE offers a diverse range of market instruments, including currency pairs, metals, commodities, shares, and indices, it is essential to consider the significant drawbacks associated with the platform. Operating without regulatory oversight raises concerns about transparency and investor protection, potentially exposing clients to heightened risks. Furthermore, the platform's customer support has been criticized for its lack of responsiveness and effectiveness, leaving users feeling unsupported. Reports of the website being down and labeled as a “scam” further diminish trust in the platform. Overall, prospective users should approach TERA TRADE with caution, considering alternative options to mitigate potential financial vulnerabilities.

Pros Cons
  • None
  • Operating without regulatory oversight raises concerns about transparency and investor protection.
  • Customer support has been criticized for its lack of responsiveness and effectiveness.
  • Reports suggest that TERA TRADE's website is down, with some users labeling it as a “scam.”

Market Instruments

TERA TRADE offers a diverse range of market instruments, including:

  1. Currency pairs: Investors can engage in trading various currency pairs, enabling speculation on exchange rate fluctuations.

  2. Metals: The platform facilitates trading in precious metals such as gold and silver, providing avenues for diversification and hedging.

  3. Commodities: TERA TRADE allows traders to participate in the commodities market, including oil and agricultural products, to capitalize on supply and demand dynamics.

  4. Shares: Investors can trade shares of publicly traded companies, potentially benefiting from capital appreciation and dividends.

  5. Indices: The platform provides access to indices tracking the performance of baskets of stocks, allowing investors to follow broader market trends.

Market Instruments

Customer Support

The customer support provided by TERA TRADE, accessible through, has been criticized for its lack of responsiveness and effectiveness. Clients often report significant delays in receiving assistance, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction. Issues raised by customers regarding account management, technical problems, or general inquiries are frequently left unresolved or addressed inadequately. This lack of satisfactory support undermines trust and confidence in TERA TRADE's services, leaving clients feeling neglected and unsupported in their trading endeavors.


In conclusion, TERA TRADE presents a mixed picture with significant drawbacks alongside its offerings. Operating without regulatory oversight raises transparency and investor protection concerns, potentially exposing clients to heightened risks. While the platform offers a diverse range of market instruments, including currency pairs, metals, commodities, shares, and indices, its customer support has been criticized for its lack of responsiveness and effectiveness, leaving clients feeling unsupported. Additionally, reports of the website being down and labeled as a “scam” further erode trust in the platform. Overall, prospective users should approach TERA TRADE with caution, conducting thorough due diligence and considering alternative options to mitigate potential financial vulnerabilities.


Q1: Is TERA TRADE regulated?

A1: No, TERA TRADE operates without regulatory oversight as a broker.

Q2: What market instruments does TERA TRADE offer?

A2: TERA TRADE provides trading opportunities in currency pairs, metals, commodities, shares, and indices.

Q3: How can I contact TERA TRADE's customer support?

A3: You can reach TERA TRADE's customer support through email at

Q4: Are there any complaints about TERA TRADE's customer support?

A4: Yes, customers have reported significant delays and dissatisfaction with TERA TRADE's customer support.

Q5: Is TERA TRADE's website currently accessible?

A5: Reports suggest that TERA TRADE's website is down, with some users labeling it as a “scam.”

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.

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Regulatory Status

No Regulation

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